Archive for June, 2009:
Mommy & Me Swimming Class
So cute in his swim diaper. He did excellent in the class. He worked on gliding, extending his hands out in front of him, floating with his head on my shoulder-he was a natural floater with his legs crossed and head leaning back and everything, scooting off the edge of the pool into the water, and participating in the songs. He didn’t cry at all, And he natural kicks and splashes his arms in front of him so it was great. He might take a few more classes we’ll see!
On the Swings
We live right across the street from this park. These are only Elijah’s second time on the swings. He loves it!!
First Tooth!!!!
I was playing with Elijah when I caught a flash of white in his mouth….Could it be….?? Pics were on my phone so they’re kinda poor. It’s his bottom right tooth! Wow!